Cliff Notes Version:
- Surgery worked amazingly and I'm down to 168 pounds. I'm actively trying to not lose anymore weight at this point. I couldn't be more stoked about the outcome. I have a lot of extra skin but that's to be expected. Some day I'll have the money to get plastic surgery but for now I'm happy with where I'm at.

- I packed up my life and moved cross country to live with my boyfriend in Boston. We road tripped out to Massachusetts and visited some people along the way. I did a Tim Burton inspired Mary Poppins photo shoot with a friend in Oklahoma, got to pet a sloth in Florida where I visited my brother, and held hands with a monkey in North Carolina visiting old friends from the Army days. Seriously the most amazing experiences.
- I accidentally got a job as an assistant manager in a group home and it's going as well as it can be. Everyone seems to like me there and I get a lot of compliments from the school staff and different therapists that come through. I thought I was applying for a basic residential position and when I was in my interview he mentioned that it was for the assistant manager position. I was like oh... I didn't mean to apply for that but seeing as I got the interview I'll go ahead and move forward. I have a lot more responsibilities at work and even though I get my ass beat daily my job is pretty okay. I work with pretty low functioning kids and there's a few of them that are pretty freaking aggressive. My boyfriend won't go out in public with me unless I'm wearing long sleeved shirts because people think he beats me I'm so covered in bruises from work. It's crazy.
- Debt. I recently (as in like four days ago) took out a personal loan and consolidated all of my debt. I have paid everything off except for my car and now this loan. (BTW bought a car before the road trip) The interest on the loan is ridiculous and I don't want to talk about it but with how much I'm making as an ARM and the overtime I've been able to pick up I'll be making bigger payments monthly. I plan on making at least twice the minimum monthly balance every month. By getting ahead of the interest and paying it off in such big chunks I'll be able to get it paid off early enough to where the interest rate won't hurt me. It feels SO good to have everything else paid off though. Student loan, Care Credit card, everything. Reliiieeef.
So other that that I've decided to kinda start the 101 in 1001 thing again, but more like over the next five years, and I've been slowly writing them up. I think I'm going to change the direction of this blog into a goal driven type deal. I'm basically going to focus on completing everything on that list. Like a bucket list kinda thing ya dig? I'll be revamping the layout and possibly the name here soon because when I'm not at work I'm bored and this gives me something creative to do.
Welp that's it for now. Hopefully I'll have another post for you here shortly and I don't disappear for another year. We'll see how it goes.