Aaaaanywaaaays. Our new teacher Mrs. Hansen, gave a spelling test every Friday and all year nobody had gotten 100% on a test. She informed the class that we were going to take the hardest test of the year, and she would love to see someone finally ace it. I was ready.
I went home and studied. I studied all week. Any free time I had was spent remembering that I comes before E except after c, and that rule is stupid as shit considering it's actually rarely right, but whatevs. Not the point. I studied. I studied hard. Ryan Gossling didn't even have to tell me to do it, I wanted that A, and I was going to be the first person in her class to get it.
Test day rolls around and I rock it. I have every word memorized and I just KNEW that I have memorized the spelling of every last word. She reads off each word and I write it down with a passion. Baaaam. I turn in my test feeling like hot shit, I'm going to get that gold sticker on my test, I'm going to get that 100%, and I'm going to be the smartest kid in class. I go to lunch. I come back and run back to the graded tests in a box... Minus one point... I wrote my name so quickly I left out the u in my maiden name, so even though I had every spelling word correct, I lost a point.
I would be so frustrated! That is complete BS!