Image Map


Start Date: January 18th 2015
End Date: October 15th 2017

Go a week without smoking. (Quit date: January 18th 2015)
Go two weeks.
Go a month.
Quit smoking all together. Did not happen. Womp womp womp. 
Get my surgery.
Lose 10 lbs.
Lose 15 lbs.
Lose 20 lbs.
Lose 30 lbs.
Lose 40 lbs.
Lose 50 lbs.
Lose 75 lbs.
Lose 100 lbs.
Lose 120 lbs.
Lose 150 lbs.
Get to goal weight of 160.
Fit into a size 18.
Fit into a size 16.
Fit into a size 12.
Fit into size 10.
Fit XL shirt.
Fit L shirt.
Fit M shirt.
Walk every day for a week.
Walk every day for a two weeks.
Walk every day for a month.
Complete Couch to 5k.
Complete a 5k.
Quit drinking soda.
Post weekly pictures of weight loss/weigh ins. Ish. Often enough to count. 

Finish paying off my bed.
Finish paying off star card.
Finish paying off student loan.
Refinance car to a lower monthly payment/into husband's name. All related to ex husband, no longer a thing. 
Raise credit score to at least 690-700.
Put $10 into savings from every paycheck for a year.
Save change until New Years Day 2016.
Use majority of tax return to pay down debt.
Snowball debt payments.
Pay off Star Card by January 2016.


Read 200 books. (0/200)
Continue to blog. Lol fail. 
Get contacts.
Go aurora hunting.
Get a new tattoo.
Have a bonfire.
Make s'mores.
Go camping.
Go Geocaching.
Get my CNA.
Get a job at a hospital.
Go to an amusement park.
Dress up for Halloween.
Go to a carnival.
Teach Tempest to roll over.
Watch every episode of Friends.
Get professional pictures taken.
Send out Christmas cards.
Send 10 handwritten letters. (0/10)
Do something out of character.


Go to a concert.
Go to a comedy show.
Go to a play.
Go to the drive-in theater.
Watch a Ted video every day until I've watched one from each topic. (See what I've watched here)
Get a passport.
Go to Canada.
Take a photography class.
Go to a museum.
Commission a piece of art from Jessie. Actually got it tattoo'd on me too!


Refurbish something.
Complete 365 project on instagram. (Started January 18th 2015)
Send a card to post secret.
Make a spray paint space painting.
Complete 3 Pinterest tutorials.
Upcycle something.
Continue with I'm Not Shakespeare
Write at least one good blog post a month.
Learn to crotchet.
Make a sign when in California.


Volunteer at homeless shelter.
Donate to Animal Shelter
Complete my committed five pay it forward's for 2015. (Whitney, Jama'l, Sean, Little B, Kara.) (0/5)
Purge closet and donate unwanted/unworn.
Send flowers to a friend.
Donate to a kickstarter I believe in.
Donate to a gofundme account that touches me.
Pay for someone's meal.


  1. What do you wanna go to school for?

    1. I'm not 100% sure yet. The community college where I'm moving has a Human Services Youth Worker program that I'm interested in. Working with troubled kids/teenagers is something that's always interested me.


Stroke my ego baby!