Today's prompt is the last random act of kindness I did. Minus the usual holding doors open for people I'd say the last random act I did was scrub down Ashley's kitchen at 2 am when I couldn't sleep. I did dishes, organized, moved things to wipe under them, etc. She woke up the next morning and told me that I wasn't allowed to leave because she loved me.
And that's all the post you're getting today because I don't really have anything else to say. I did the thing and wrote the post though. Gold star for me. I'm going to leave you with my current favorite thing on the internet, so much so that I made it my new Facebook cover.
I laughed so damn hard. That is all.
Love that facebook banner!!
Thank you! I laughed so hard when it showed up in my newsfeed and knew immediately that it was going where everyone could see it haha.